Sunday, September 26, 2010

Perfect sometimes happens in an imperfect world

so it seems that the new blog background i put up a couple days ago has taken on an added meaning today! the reason for that has also put me in a STELLAR mood (rain on my parade, and i'll bitch slap you with my umbrella...just so we're clear!). as of *checks watch* 10 minutes ago from the time i type this, i am no longer single. sorry ladies, i am officially hooked up, in a relationship with, dating and any other way you can think of to describe it, with michael reinke! WOO WOO! it's great how things can turn around. right when i'm missing having some romance and warm-fuzziness in my life, it happens. karma can be a bitch, but she's also a great friend if you treat her right! interestingly enough, mike also happens to be the brother of one of my best friends! added bonus! naturally, i'll have to find some way to torment her to no end, but that's not exactly at the top of my list right now! ;)

"An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet whether through time, place, or circumstance. The thread my stretch or tangle, but it will never break"


Unknown said...

I love you Kayla. Your the world to me. My only hope is that I can make you extremely happy in every way.