so what has happened to the lost art of speaking and writing proper english?! more and more in my english classes (both back in high school and now in college), people can't follow simple essay instructions. i had an assignment due yesterday in english. it was straightforward enough: pick a problem in you community, write 4-6 pages about it, and propose two solutions. include thesis, intro, body, conclusion, and proper grammar/spelling. use APA format (citing sources, mostly).
not hard, right? WRONG, apparently. case in point. this is an assignment submitted (publicly) by a fellow classmate for this assignment.
The problem in all communities is “Who Will Help to Control Litter!” This is a needed discussion, because no one is taking the responsibility to clean up behind themselves.
This problem of people dumping trash has no beginning, but it should have an ending. It needs conscience minded people to understand that this earth we live in is not a huge trash can.
I believe that all of us humans are responsible for Littering the streets, parks, public transportation, sewers, lakes and oceans.
“To understand who are suffering from litter is people who makes an income on using what nature gives us (not only for ourselves) but for everyone else”?
How it affects communities is the overall seeing some areas full of litter, from abandon buildings, dirty yards, and unswept streets just to name a few. What happened to the way people took pride in their neighborhoods years ago, as caring about their surroundings.
Here is one possible solution is to take the time to educate ourselves in researching the websites that has some good information to get us involved in litter control. Like keep it in your car and wait to you get home to dispose of it in the garbage can. And cigarettes should be disposed of and place in the proper container and not dropped in the streets. Second solution is to have a community campaign or organization to help curb litter. Like adopt a highway. How about adopting a street or park and so on?
I feel that once everyone gets the sense of how serious this is in saving our Planet from refuse, we all have a better chance of keeping down germs and our Communities will look more beautiful in appearance. This is a tough situation, but” We all need to get involved!”
This online resource (on litter control programs) shows good support with communities on litter control.
A) 10 Litter Control- Has solutions on improving the image and appearance of our communities ( for instance… provides solutions to help citizens to plan their own groups and the council gives supplies to help you get started!”)
ok. i see too many problems here to BLOG FOR FUN has better english mechanics than her COLLEGE ASSIGNMENT does!!!! wtf, people?! do you seriously care so little about our language and college classes that you'll turn in trash like this?! seriously...
on the up side, it makes my assignment look like God's work!!!! so...if my teacher grades on a curve, i'll have an instant A with all of the extra points! LOL
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