Tuesday, July 27, 2010

If duct tape or advil don't work, you're screwed!

so i fixed my car today, hillbilly style! I only used four things: needlenose pliers (to loosen the negative battery charge so i didn't kill myself), tinfoil, a ponytail holder, and DUCT TAPE!!!! WOOO!!!!

anyway, Jess has requested that i say how i did what, so here goes! y'all know that bunch of wires that ends in a round piece of metal to screw onto the main fuse box under the hood? well, the nut went bye-bye and we didn't notice, so it started arcing. the arcing caused the bolt to melt down (thus making it impossible to simply change the bolt). i unhooked the battery so the fuse box didn't zap the shit out of me. then, i took my tinfoil and wrapped it around those two pieces to stop the arcing (the charge will go through any metal, including common kitchen tinfoil!). then, i put duct tape around it all to hold it down. my lights were still flashing on and off a little bit, so i grabbed one of my elastic hair ties, cut it in one spot, and tied it around the whole job. that kept it in place adequately enough for the car to start!!!!!!!!!


~If it moves and shouldn't, use duct tape. if it should move and doesn't, use WD40!~