Friday, September 24, 2010

Love like it will never hurt

so something that happened today got me thinking about how the vast majority of people (especially in the USA) find it necessary to keep what they're feeling bottled up inside. where exactly did this come from and what on earth started it?! hell, if everyone were completely up front, don't y'all agree with me that things would be much easier? no backstabbing or anything like that. hell, on the flip side, you wouldn't have two people practically throwing themselves out of someone's path simply because they're afraid to voice feelings...i think we all know which feelings i'm talking about!

today's society seems to be drilling the idea that if we fall for someone (or can't stand them) that it's supposed to be kept inside, especially for us womenfolk. i mean, pick up practically any women's magazine and you'll see TONS of articles about how to land a guy. what on earth could possibly be more effective than simply walking up to him and saying "hey, you! yeah, you! i like you. want to go out sometime?" it's very nearly guaranteed that a man (or woman) would be flattered!

so come on, people. get rid of the self-conscious bit, walk up to someone and just TELL THEM! in english, preferably! just DO it (okay, mind out of the gutter, people, seriously!). :)